Assassin's Creed - PS3 Review

Is the First Assassin's Creed Game Worth Playing?

Ubisoft's first entry to the Assassin's Creed series was released in 2007. Back when gaming was very different from what it is now, so how can you be sure if this is a game for you?

The first Assassin's Creed came out nearly 13 years ago and it is still great up to this day. The game looks impressive for its time, the controls feel great. The repetitiveness of it can be an issue if you don't like the type of missions it keeps throwing at you, however, they don't get tiring since it is only a 13-15 hour game.

This is a review of the first game of the Assassin’s Creed series, these are the thoughts of someone that played this game for the first time in mid-2020. If you’re interested in what I thought and how I felt about this first playthrough of the game, keep reading!

[This review doesn’t contain any spoilers.]

Going Back in Time

As an 8-year-old when this game came out, I didn't get to play it. But, I do remember watching my dad as he played it on the TV, I remember thinking how cool and fun the game looked, especially since it allowed you to jump around from building to building.

Now in 2020, with a new setup at home, the good ol' PS3 was moved to my room and I was able to sit back and play through a section of Altaïr’s life. And with the much-anticipated Assassin's Creed Valhalla just around the corner, I might not be the only one considering going back and taking a look at the first entry to this series.

A Journey Through Time

Altaïr was a great character to control. He doesn’t talk much but he knows what to say at the right times. The more I got into the story, the more I wanted to know about him. The game knew just the right amount of information to give me to make me want more and more. Overall, it felt great controlling his character, and, let’s face it, it is just the coolest thing to able to parkour and blend into the crowd in those awesome assassin robes.

In the first section of the game, you have to visit three cities, the map can be a bit confusing. It was difficult for me to know whether I was making the right turn or not. On the bright side, the map is huge and you get to explore Acre, Damascus, and Jerusalem. And, considering this game came out in 2007, the graphics look great - it is incredible how detailed the structures are.

If you want to see for yourself, check out this video that Ubisoft uploaded shortly before the game was released, showcasing the various locations that would be featured in Assassin’s Creed:

In each city there are a set of “investigations” you need to do, you don’t have to do them all but there is a minimum of pre-mission tasks you have to complete before you move on to the next part of your mission. These missions can become repetitive over time and become somewhat of a chore. However, the game itself isn’t very long so before you start to get bored you’ll move onto something else.

The story is based around something called an Animus, learning more about it was something that intrigued me quite a lot. I loved how I began to understand what was going on in this new universe and once the credits started rolling I was eager to pop in the next title and see where it would take me next.

The gameplay is fun, the controls feel great. After finishing this game, I played Assassin’s Creed 2 on PS4 and, although there were some improvements, it wasn’t anything that changed how I viewed my previous experience. Plus, while playing the second title I found myself annoyed by the number of treasures there were on my map, begging me to collect them, and all looting I felt like I had to do after killing most enemies. In Assassin’s Creed I felt relieved that there was none of that and it was a relaxing break from the majority of titles I played before.

In terms of difficulty. Well, I am what most would call a casual player. I play a fair amount of games but I am not an above average gamer. So, I died quite often, especially while playing the final mission. Thankfully, there is a large number of flags scattered around the map, they will restore and increase your health up until a certain point so they proved to be quite useful when the guards would chase me at low health and I was forced to run for my life.

There are no trophies on PS3 for the first Assassin’s Creed game. Therefore, the flags throughout the map served little purpose to me besides health gain. But, keep in mind that I’m not one to collect items for the sake of it, I most likely won’t do it unless it’s for a trophy or if it’s korok seeds.


Assassin’s Creed was a great way to start a new series. The game is fun and short and the story is new and interesting. It’s a game you can play for a couple of minutes, jumping from building to building and collecting flags or play for hours so that you can keep finding out what happens next.

The first Assassin's Creed game is definitely worth playing, especially if you end up getting into the series, it is the perfect place to start.

How long to beat: 15 hours and 38 minutes
